Janine Serell’s Marathon Swim Story

Finding joy, fighting the current, social swimming, and so much more! Catch the replay of Marathon Swim Stories with Janine Serell! In her own words: Janine is an adult onset swimmer, who started at age 47 with 1 mile in the Hudson River and hasn’t stopped jumping in with a smile on her face since.  She has completed many swims […]

Elaine Howley’s Marathon Swim Story

Have you ever wondered why swimmers swim marathons? How they handle hard situations? What motivates them to keep going? Catch the replay of Marathon Swim Stories with Elaine Howley! In her own words: Elaine K. Howley is a life-long swimmer who began marathon swimming in 2006 with the 8-mile Boston Light Swim. She has since completed the Triple Crown of […]

Suzie Dods’ Marathon Swim Story

Enjoy the replay of Marathon Swim Stories with Suzie Dods, where we talk about not being able to sleep after a long swim, the importance of your crew, training tips, and so much more! In her own words: Suzie is a 60 year old swimmer, Triple Crown Swimmer, and founder of the 24 Hour Relay in San Francisco.

Mark Spratt’s Marathon Swim Story

Enjoy the replay of Virtual “Swim” Practice with Mark Spratt where we talk about Mark’s huge resume of swims, racing instead of training, when you swear that you’ll never do another marathon swim and then you realize that you’ve done 43! Handling that point that you want to quit, and so much more! In his own word: Swimming has been […]