Andy Truscott’s Marathon Swim Story

In today’s episode of Marathon Swim Stories, I had a chat with Jersey Islander, Andy Truscott. We met on Clubhouse – have you heard of it? I think it’s classed as a social listening platform, or something like that. I can see the appeal, but haven’t figured out how to fit it into my schedule, especially during these busy summer […]

Bridgette Hobart’s Marathon Swim Story

Today I had the pleasure of chatting with Finger Lakes phenom, Bridgette Hobart. The stories just kept coming. So much goodness! Once we stabilized Bridgette’s connection, I tried to pry into what keeps Bridgette going. From what I can tell, she just can’t get enough. Striving for work life balance, marathon swimming seems to give her life just the spice […]

Anthony McCarley’s Marathon Swim Story

In today’s episode I spoke with Anthony McCarley. Two months before his 50th birthday, Anthony decided to fulfill his boyhood dream of swimming the English Channel. It took another 4 years, before his dream would come true. He’s gone on to pioneer marathon swim routes, both in maturity and in new locations. Anthony insists that the only reason he continues […]

Qing Li’s Marathon Swim Story

In this episode I spoke with Qing Li who started her story off by reminding us that not taking a risk is a risk in itself. Wise beyond her years, Qing’s investment in self discovery after a successful, but extremely stressful English Channel swim, is sure to pay dividends in whatever she pursues next in swimming and in life. Qing […]

Marcia Cleveland’s Marathon Swim Story

Today we chatted a marathon swimmer who first circumnavigated Manhattan in 1991. In 1994, she crossed the English Channel, documenting her preparation in her book Dover Solo. Upon completing the Catalina Channel in 2005 Marcia Cleveland set the record for the fastest Triple Crown, a record that still stands today. And she’s still swimming marathons, having completed the Tsugaru Straight […]