Sylvia Lacock’s Marathon Swim Story

I first met Sylvia Lacock in 2019 at the marina in Camp Richardson about an hour before I set off for my swim across the length of lake Tahoe. At the time I was impressed by her knowledge of the lake, thoroughness in covering safety, and professionalism as a pilot. Later I came to find out that Sylvia had a […]

Anthony McCarley’s Marathon Swim Story

In today’s episode I spoke with Anthony McCarley. Two months before his 50th birthday, Anthony decided to fulfill his boyhood dream of swimming the English Channel. It took another 4 years, before his dream would come true. He’s gone on to pioneer marathon swim routes, both in maturity and in new locations. Anthony insists that the only reason he continues […]

Qing Li’s Marathon Swim Story

In this episode I spoke with Qing Li who started her story off by reminding us that not taking a risk is a risk in itself. Wise beyond her years, Qing’s investment in self discovery after a successful, but extremely stressful English Channel swim, is sure to pay dividends in whatever she pursues next in swimming and in life. Qing […]

Jennifer Dutton’s Marathon Swim Story

Jennifer Dutton started marathon swimming across Candlewood lake in Connecticut as a teenager in the 80’s. 10 miles as part of a fundraiser swim – “Everyone did it. It wasn’t a big deal. We didn’t even train.” she says. Now a mother to two college aged kids, Jennifer recently brought marathon swimming full circle by completing 27 miles in Lake […]

Melinda Menzer’s Marathon Swim Story

Lately I’ve spent some time with my kids looking at a globe, “if you fly over it, can you see the border?” they ask. No. These are lines drawn by man. Man argues, wars, and discriminates over lines, I tell them. As today’s guest, Melinda Menzer says, “you can’t fence in the water”, and she loves swimming across those silly […]