Cliff Golding’s Marathon Swim Stories

It’s “the loneliest place in extreme sport, ” says Cliff Golding, “that moment when you’re standing in nothing but a swimsuit, cap, and goggles on the beach with your arm up waiting and waiting and waiting for the klaxon to go off.  You’re full of nerves and everything you’ve done up to that point as led to that moment.” It […]

Katie Blair’s Marathon Swim Story

In this episode I talk to Katie Blair shortly after returning home to Indiana from her 29 hour and 10 minutes in the St Lucia channel, swimming from St Lucia, to Martinique, and back… almost! Her longest stint in the water, she faced jellyfish stings and salt tongue, and initially felt okay with her accomplishment, but two weeks later, she’s […]

Bill Shipp’s Marathon Swim Story

I met Bill Shipp on a boat in the middle of a lake somewhere north of the Canadian border. I can still remember the sun trying to warm us despite the brisk fall morning air and the surprising calm on the water. The pontoon boat was nearly swamped, as we were way over capacity, full of cold and tired swimmers […]

Craig Lewin’s Marathon Swim Story

Today’s guest is a fellow coach who I found out shares my birthday. I loved hearing Craig Lewin’s Marathon Swim Story. Now a triple crown finisher, Craig was one of the first Americans to travel to England earlier this year despite the pandemic and the 14 day quarantine period in order to successfully swim across the English Channel. As Craig […]

Catherine Breed’s Marathon Swim Story

Today’s guest is an Olympic Trials qualifier and Pan American gold medalist. Catherine Breed has always loved the water. She wasn’t sure what to do after her college career swimming ended, but fortuitously, a friend introduced her to the Dolphin club, based at San Francisco’s Aquatic Park. At her first open water swimming event hosted by the Dolphin Club event […]

Anthony McCarley’s Marathon Swim Story

In today’s episode I spoke with Anthony McCarley. Two months before his 50th birthday, Anthony decided to fulfill his boyhood dream of swimming the English Channel. It took another 4 years, before his dream would come true. He’s gone on to pioneer marathon swim routes, both in maturity and in new locations. Anthony insists that the only reason he continues […]

Qing Li’s Marathon Swim Story

In this episode I spoke with Qing Li who started her story off by reminding us that not taking a risk is a risk in itself. Wise beyond her years, Qing’s investment in self discovery after a successful, but extremely stressful English Channel swim, is sure to pay dividends in whatever she pursues next in swimming and in life. Qing […]

Marcia Cleveland’s Marathon Swim Story

Today we chatted a marathon swimmer who first circumnavigated Manhattan in 1991. In 1994, she crossed the English Channel, documenting her preparation in her book Dover Solo. Upon completing the Catalina Channel in 2005 Marcia Cleveland set the record for the fastest Triple Crown, a record that still stands today. And she’s still swimming marathons, having completed the Tsugaru Straight […]

Elaine Howley’s Marathon Swim Story

Have you ever wondered why swimmers swim marathons? How they handle hard situations? What motivates them to keep going? Catch the replay of Marathon Swim Stories with Elaine Howley! In her own words: Elaine K. Howley is a life-long swimmer who began marathon swimming in 2006 with the 8-mile Boston Light Swim. She has since completed the Triple Crown of […]

Suzie Dods’ Marathon Swim Story

Enjoy the replay of Marathon Swim Stories with Suzie Dods, where we talk about not being able to sleep after a long swim, the importance of your crew, training tips, and so much more! In her own words: Suzie is a 60 year old swimmer, Triple Crown Swimmer, and founder of the 24 Hour Relay in San Francisco.