Deep Dive: Brisbane Swimmers take on the Derwent River

Hello, hello! I’m just back from a week in Mexico swimming and doing yoga every day. If I close my eyes I can still feel the waves and the sensation of flying through the water. It was quite a experience. I wish you’d been there! But alas, today I’m back in rainy Southern Oregon contemplating what was learned and what’s […]

Deep Dive: Lake Shasta Retelling

Hello Marathon Swim Story listeners! 2024 is coming to a close and we’re getting ready to have the best year yet in swimming (and in life) in the Swim Smart community on Mighty Networks. If you’re looking for some support and encouragement as you spread your swimming wings and see where the water takes you, join us! I had an […]

Coach Tracey Baumann on How to Make Swimming Easier

I found this definition of swimming on the internet… “Swimming is moving your body through water (a moderately viscous fluid) that’s either still (as in a swimming pool), turbulent (as in the ocean), or somewhere in between. If you’re swimming completely under the surface (for example, scuba diving), you’re moving through relatively still water; other times, you’re going to be moving along at the […]

Dr. Wallace J. Nichols on Blue Mind

Hello and welcome to Marathon Swim Stories. Do you ever find yourself frustrated, anxious, or overwhelmed, then you go for a swim? Upon exiting the water, all feels right in the world. There’s a name for that – Blue Mind. I’m excited to share an interview with you today. In December of 2022 I had the good fortune to meet […]

Deep Dive: SCAR 2023

Read my blog post: Do I actually like to swim? – Intrepid Water Join me on Mighty Networks!

Deep Dive: AMBSC Summer Solstice Swim

What’s one of the most important parts of marathon swim training? If you ask me, first and foremost is swimming technique – personally, I don’t want an injury to keep me from making it to the start of my event, and I want to swim for the rest of my life! So I prioritize technique over everything else. But there’s […]

Deep Dive: Shannon Keegan’s 22 Hour Lake George Swim

Hello and Happy New Year Marathon Swim Stories listeners! I’ve had a few people ask about my 22 hour swim in Lake George last August, and I’m pleased that my SwimMastery coach colleague, Melissa Donalson stepped into the roll of interviewer today, and we are also joined by my swim coach, the founder of SwimMastery, Tracey Baumann to tell you […]

Deep Dive: SCAR 2022 with Steve Munatones

After a severe heart attack in 2016, Steven Munatones was in a coma for a week. They lowered his body temperature in hopes of preserving function but set expectations with his family that he may have severe neurological damage. This was part of Steve’s Marathon Swim Story that he shared with us in February of 2021. He also discussed his […]

Carolyn’s Journey to Derwent

Since were nestling in for winter here in the Northern hemisphere, trekking to the swimming pool in the dark, perhaps mustering the fortitude for a dip in chilly waters, I thought it would be fun to follow a journey on the other side of the world where they are getting ready for summer. We met Carolyn Anderson a few weeks […]

Deep Dive: Jennifer Dutton’s Lake Geneva Signature

I was thrilled to talk to Jennifer Dutton after her latest big swim – she tells us all about the build up, pandemic induced postponement, and doing everything thing that she could to prepare. My giddiness in palpable, I want to make it to Switzerland! What a swim! If you haven’t already, be sure to listen to her Marathon Swim […]