Carolyn Anderson’s Marathon Swim Story
I met Caroline through the magic of Marathon Swim Stories. This production has been such a gift to me, it’s hard to wrap my head around sometimes! Caroline had the courage to reach out to me and share a few morsels of her story. When we finally connected, I couldn’t believe that I was talking to someone on the other side of the world who I felt like really understood me! It’s amazing what you can find when you push through fear.
I hope you enjoy Caroline’s story.
In her own words:
Carolyn, a band teacher and mum of two teenagers, enjoyed using pool masters squads as a way of making new friends and keeping fit as she traveled the world with her husbands work. After many knee surgeries, tumble turns in a pool started to hurt so a long ocean beach swim in one direction became more appealing. Battling sea sickness and lacking knowledge and confidence, she was lucky enough to meet amazing people who took her under their swimming wings and taught her how to train and use nutrition to help with sea sickness. After a month of sitting in the car at the beach watching other people swim in the ocean, she gave a 1km swim in tropical waters a go. One year later, she achieved the 19.7km Rottnest Channel Swim Three years later, she is training for the Derwent River Swim, in Hobart, Australia, one of the 13 toughest swims. https://marathonswimmers.org/marathon-swims/toughest/