Kim Miller’s Marathon Swim Story

I know I’m privileged but talking to Kim Miller about her work to end human trafficking really puts my privilege in perspective. Thank goodness there are people like Kim and organizations like Blue Dragon who are working to end human trafficking in Vietnam. What does that human trafficking have to do with marathon swimming? Just wait until you hear Kim’s […]

Joep Buijs’ Marathon Swim Story

We met Joep Bujis a few episodes back in the retelling of Carolyn Anderson’s swim down the Derwent River, be sure to check out her journey episodes if you haven’t already. Today we’ll find out how Joep, a pool swimmer from The Netherlands ended up moving to Australia, taking up open water swimming then tackling the 34km down the Derwent […]

Carolyn Anderson’s Marathon Swim Story

I met Caroline through the magic of Marathon Swim Stories. This production has been such a gift to me, it’s hard to wrap my head around sometimes! Caroline had the courage to reach out to me and share a few morsels of her story. When we finally connected, I couldn’t believe that I was talking to someone on the other […]