Tracy Knight’s Marathon Swim Story
A fellow marathon swimming mom, Tracy Knight discovered that there might be something to this distance stuff shortly before having kids. Her clue was that she completed more distance in an hour than fellow swimmers who would smoke her in practice! Thank you US Masters ePostals!
After completing her first 5K she didn’t hesitate to make the jump to the 17K Portland Bridge swim… and thus a marathon swimmer was born.
We talk about whether uniformity of scenery should be a new metric of marathon swims, being, perhaps, a reluctant marathon swimmer, and going swimming to avoid the incessant “mom… where are my socks!”.
I hope you enjoy this episode!
In her own words: I did age group swim team 8-12; swam on a very low-key Division III college team and started masters swimming at 26. About 15 years ago, after reading “Swimming to Antarctica,” I realized I was a distance swimmer. As life intervened, it wasn’t until 2016 that I swam Big Shoulders 5k. I was hooked! In 2017, I did the Great Chesapeake Bay (4.4 miles), the Portland Bridge Swim (17k) and Swim the Suck. I’ve been looking for new open water challenges ever since.