Deep Dive

Deep Dive: Stephen Rouch’s Lake Memphremagog Double
On August 22, 2019, Stephen Rouch set off from the East Side restaurant in Newport, Vermont and swam, not just the 25 miles across the Canadian border to the northern most tip of Lake Memphremagog, but after exiting the water on a beach in Magog, Quebec, he quickly got back in to start the return journey. Arriving back at his departure spot more than 25 hours from whence he left, becoming the first male to complete the task in the fastest recorded time.
Enjoy this retelling of Stephen’s epic swim, from the perspective of himself and his crew: Christopher Graefe, Jamie Ann Rennick, Mary Stella, Jimmy Wu, and Stephen Rouch Sr.
Swimmer completes record double crossing of Lake Memphremagog – Newport Dispatch
Shannon Keegan
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