Qing Li’s Marathon Swim Story
In this episode I spoke with Qing Li who started her story off by reminding us that not taking a risk is a risk in itself. Wise beyond her years, Qing’s investment in self discovery after a successful, but extremely stressful English Channel swim, is sure to pay dividends in whatever she pursues next in swimming and in life.
Qing was so open, honest, and shared so many pearls of wisdom throughout our conversation – I laughed, cried, and found myself wondering if I was doing enough in my own life as she reminded me, “Don’t let anything get in the way of what you love, not even yourself.”
Qing’s positivity is infectious, and I just love her energy, enthusiasm, and emotion.
I hope you enjoy this episode.
In her own words:
I am a lifelong swimmer and owes my success in completing the Triple Crown to the people who believed in my crazy ideas. Swimming the English Channel was a seed of an idea as a teenager that started a deep personal and spiritual journey for me. Starting with the English Channel in 2011 and coming back to round out the Triple Crown and Grand Slam with 20 Bridges – 2018, Tampa Bay Marathon Swim – 2019, and Catalina Channel – 2019. Through this journey I can say that the open water swimming community has truly taught me so much about believing in myself, living with purpose, and letting go of fear.
I strive to inspire people from all walks of life to reach just a little higher and push the boundaries of their comfort zone. I love seeing the joy of someone who accomplishes something they never thought they could.