Pat Gallant-Charette’s Marathon Swim Story
Whoever said it was down hill after 40 is clearly missing out. Pat Gallant-Charette, discovered a love of open water and a gift for endurance mid life she’s determined to make each moment count. Somewhere between taking care of her grand kids, tapping her maple trees, canning Boston baked beans, and general Maine home steading, Pat finds time to train 6 days a week.
Newly 70, Pat assures us that she has a long bucket list of swims yet to complete. And after another tide turned just shy of reaching the opposite shore, denying her from completing her 7th Ocean, she’s incorporated speed work into her training. Watch out world!
I hope you enjoy this episode.
In lieu of a bio, here’s a day in the life of Pat: My day started at 4am….I pressure canned 21 quarts of homemade Boston baked beans (I baked yesterday)…..then at 7am went to pool for a two hour swim, returned home and trekked into woods (still snow covered) behind my house to empty buckets of sap from my maple trees. I had to repair a few taps. In a couple of days I will boil the sap into maple syrup. Late morning, my daughter (kidney dialysis nurse and single mom) went to work and I started my babysitting duty….kids are on recess for an hour then I get them supper, help with homework and get them ready for bed. I leave their house at 1am when my daughter returns home from work. Walk home (I live next door)…then start another early day. I consider myself a homesteader (I have a large vegetable and fruit garden in summer) and preserve much of the harvest. As you can see, I have many interest besides marathon swimming.