Dr. Wallace J. Nichols on Blue Mind

Hello and welcome to Marathon Swim Stories. Do you ever find yourself frustrated, anxious, or overwhelmed, then you go for a swim? Upon exiting the water, all feels right in the world. There’s a name for that – Blue Mind. I’m excited to share an interview with you today. In December of 2022 I had the good fortune to meet […]

Terri Dietz’ Marathon Swim Story

What does it mean to be a swimmer? Nonetheless a marathon swimmer? When are labels important and when do they get in the way? This is a question that I often ponder. Whether reading the news, in conversation with my children, my partner, or a friend – it’s interesting to observe WHEN we’re labeling things and whether that label is […]

Melissa Donaldson’s Marathon Swim Story

On today’s episode I’m thrilled to share my coach colleague, Melissa Donaldson’s story. You may recognize Melissa’s voice from the Deep Dive episode of my 22 hour swim in Lake George in 2022. Melissa discovered a love of swimming as an adult. And in just a short time she has doubled her longest swim from around 10km to in excess […]

Kim Miller’s Marathon Swim Story

I know I’m privileged but talking to Kim Miller about her work to end human trafficking really puts my privilege in perspective. Thank goodness there are people like Kim and organizations like Blue Dragon who are working to end human trafficking in Vietnam. What does that human trafficking have to do with marathon swimming? Just wait until you hear Kim’s […]

Nadine Bennett’s Marathon Swim Story

Have you ever bitten off more than you can chew? And then the self doubt creeps in… in your heart of hearts, you want to do the thing, but you don’t feel like you’re good enough, qualified, capable… I think we can all identify with Nadine’s Bennett’s story. Hailing from the Northumberland Strait in Canada, Nadine is an avid ice […]

Melissa Kegler’s Marathon Swim Story

Hello Marathon Swim Story listeners! In today’s episode I talk with Ice Mermaid, Melissa Kegler. After an unremarkable English Channel success, Melissa took stock of her Triple Crown and wondered what she really wanted from her swimming. This has led to a newfound appreciation for the pristine waters of the Pacific Northwest the mountains, the old growth forests, and the […]

Will Hodgess’ Marathon Swim Story

I’m so excited to share this episode with you today. Will Hodgess and I met last year a few weeks before he tackled “The Beast”, which is the pet name for stage 5 of the famous multi day stage swim down the Hudson River, 8 Bridges. In our coaching sessions Will would pepper me with questions about mental preparation—he knew […]

Melodee Liegl’s Marathon Swim Story

Have you seen the posts in the open water Facebook groups where people share images from their GPS watch displaying shapes, figures, sometimes letters, some people can spell out entire words in cursive! Mind you, they can’t see what their drawing until they are done with their swim… Well, as far as I’m concerned, Melodee Leigel invented the sport of […]

Justine Brousseau’s Marathon Swim Story

Justine and I met virtually through an online accountability group that I created as an experiment a few years back. While I saw her on many calls and heard from her periodically I never really felt like I got to know Justine so it was a treat to hear her marathon swim story today! Best of all her story is […]

Deep Dive: SCAR 2023

Read my blog post: Do I actually like to swim? – Intrepid Water Join me on Mighty Networks! https://intrepid-water.mn.co/plans/314110?bundle_token=f5f441002848cff80b45e39e24e22f19&utm_source=manual