Melodee Liegl’s Marathon Swim Story
Have you seen the posts in the open water Facebook groups where people share images from their GPS watch displaying shapes, figures, sometimes letters, some people can spell out entire words in cursive!
Mind you, they can’t see what their drawing until they are done with their swim…
Well, as far as I’m concerned, Melodee Leigel invented the sport of swim art. I certainly can’t prove it, but for as long as I can remember, Melodee has been posting amazing swim art, you should check out her page.
A resident of Lake Country in Wisconsin, there are no shortage of canvases for her art. While Melodee claims to be “Just a girl who loves swimming” It’s clear that swimming has been a vehicle to some amazing places.
I hope you enjoy Melodee’s story.
Just A Girl Who Loves Swimming! – FINIS Inc (finisswim.com)
In her own words:
Since early childhood, I have been actively exposed to the water. Swimming is a great sport for someone like me dealing with hip problems since birth (surgeries in 2017 and 2018). Swimming made me a strong woman and I truly believe I would not be where I am now if it was not for this sport. As an adult, I have been swimming the past 28 years and joined United States Master Swimming in 1995. The water is my happy place.
I am very self-motivated and swim a lot, with an average of 10,000 yards a day for 2022! I know what you are thinking – ‘what is wrong with that woman’?! I am not training for any particular event at the moment, I just love to swim. My passion is marathon swimming (6.2+ miles) and I have many events planned for this summer. I love to travel to marathon swim events and hang out with my friends.
I have always been a morning swimmer, crazy early….I jump in the pool at 4:00am. Nothing can replace the endorphins after swimming. I never get bored of looking at the blue line at the bottom of the pool, BUT, I cannot wait to dip my toes in the many lakes in Wisconsin. I am so lucky to live in “Lake Country” and explore the many lakes that are close to my house. Swimming in the early morning, with no one on the lake and seeing the moon and stars and then the colorful sunrise, is a treat. I often stop and look around at all the beauty and feel the serenity.
I have found something I love, and challenge myself with amazing adventures. This is a true gift. I hope to inspire others to find their own passion in the water and swim toward their own journey of happiness and success. I have been a tester with Finis for a few years (MP3 and Smart Goggles). I am now honored to be an Ambassador for Finis. Their vision is to help every person in the world enjoy the water. I am a perfect person to share my love of the water with the world. After all, I am “Just a Girl Who Loves Swimming!”