Mark Spratt’s Marathon Swim Story
Enjoy the replay of Virtual “Swim” Practice with Mark Spratt where we talk about Mark’s huge resume of swims, racing instead of training, when you swear that you’ll never do another marathon swim and then you realize that you’ve done 43! Handling that point that you want to quit, and so much more!
In his own word:
Swimming has been a part of Mark Spratt’s life ever since he taught himself to swim at age four. For most of his swimming career Mark was a pool swimmer focusing on sprints and middle-distance stroke events. Mark has been competing in open water swims since 1991, initially focused on shorter races such as the La Jolla Rough Water Swim. Over the last 8 years Mark has added longer races to his calendar. In 2013 Mark swam his first channel, the 17.5 mile Ederle Swim, between New York City and New Jersey. When Mark landed on the Sandy Hook Beach, he figured the Ederle would be his last marathon swim but that was not to be. 43 marathon swims later he keeps signing up for the insane swims. Mark have completed two legs of the Marathon Swimming Triple Crown (Manhattan Island and the Catalina Channel) and scheduled to attempt the English Channel in 2020. Away from the water, this 64-year-old works as the Controller for Indiana Correction Industries, a division of the Indiana Department of Correction. Mark also loves reading, buying shoes, and eating hamburgers.