Deep Dive: Lake Shasta Retelling
Hello Marathon Swim Story listeners!
2024 is coming to a close and we’re getting ready to have the best year yet in swimming (and in life) in the Swim Smart community on Mighty Networks. If you’re looking for some support and encouragement as you spread your swimming wings and see where the water takes you, join us!
I had an idea to swim 50 miles for my 50th birthday back in September of this year. Rather than jump on a plane and swim in a body of water that I only heard of, I thought I’d stay a little closer to home.
Over the year I have been inspired by several of Sarah Thomas’ swims of big reservoirs in the US and happen to live just a few hours from a huge body of water that provides 20% of the states water to California: Shasta Lake. Known primarily for houseboating, a few years back, a few of my friends and I started scouting it out in the early season and were thrilled to discover how swimmable it is before Memorial Day and after Labor Day.
Today’s Marathon Swim Story is a deep dive with my crew. We were able to convene just a week after the swim – everyone was still on a high. As challenging as it is can be to put together your own swim, I’m so grateful that I had the opportunity to surround myself with friends for my 50th birthday swim! And a huge shout out to Houseboats.com for helping make the swim come to life. If you ever want to swim on Lake Shasta, reach out to Myron Rodriguez at Jones Valley Resort, Houseboats.com and let him know you heard about them from me!

I hope you enjoy today’s deep dive episode.