Ken Immer’s Marathon Swim Story
In today’s episode, Ken Immer talks us through his transformation into an open water marathon swimmer.
I met Ken while recording one of Jia’s Journey episodes as he had previously kayaked for Jia on one of her swims. In further conversation with Ken, I found that in addition to kayaking, he swims marathons, so I jumped at the opportunity to find out how he got started.
I hope you enjoy this episode!
In his own words:
Ken is living proof that anyone can alter their diet and transform their life. Having dropped french cuisine for a yoga mat over 15 years ago, everything in his life changed. He transformed from an alcoholic chef and butcher by losing 50 pounds, dropping his addictions, and developing a healthy lifestyle one day at a time. First becoming a yoga instructor for many years, Ken eventually found the glorious world of open water swimming through a lot of lucky coincidences that caused his adult-onset-swimming. Finding his “yoga in the water”, Ken continues to practice mindfulness and postural yoga as part of his training regimen for marathon swimming training. Although relatively new to the sport, he has several 10k races under his belt, he also completed the 11-mile Portland Bridge Swim, and a 16 mile circumnavigation of Folly Island in South Carolina. He’s excited to find new and different places to enjoy the open water, and is looking for his next big swim!