Guy Davis’ Marathon Swim Story
I had the pleasure of catching up with Guy Davis today while he’s on vacation in Florida. The Irish born, British citizen, who spent time growing up in Africa, and currently resides in the states, finds variety his fuel.
While Guy trained with Dover Solo author, Marcia Cleveland, in the 90’s, it wasn’t until 2015 that he started pushing distance himself. Preferring the external focus of a race, his races started to get longer and longer over the last few years, then Guy succumb to the challenge of the English Channel… not even COVID could stop him!
While Guy swears solo marathon swimming isn’t his thing, I wonder if he might strike out across another body of water before too long.
I hope you enjoy this episode!
In his own words:
Irish born, British citizen, married with 2 “kids”, new puppy arriving next week. Lived and worked in both the UK and US. In London in the UK and in DC and the New York area in the US. Moved back to the US to New Hampshire in 2008. Career primarily in investment banking in London and New York. Learned to swim in Kenya when living there as a kid in the 1960s. Pretty much retired. Volunteer with USMS and the NE LMSC.