Deep Dive: AMBSC Summer Solstice Swim
What’s one of the most important parts of marathon swim training?
If you ask me, first and foremost is swimming technique – personally, I don’t want an injury to keep me from making it to the start of my event, and I want to swim for the rest of my life! So I prioritize technique over everything else.
But there’s another really important part of marathon swim training, and that is the confidence building swims where you prove to yourself that you can keep going and going and going… even when thought that you couldn’t.
Stefan Reinke and I have been running in marathon swim circles for quite some time and a few years ago we happened to run into each other at one of these types of events, the Cliff Backyard Ultra, put on by Sarah Thomas and Karl Kingery in 2018. Which was the impetus for the Ala Moana Beach Swimming Club to kick off the Summer Solstice swim which is exactly what we’re going to deep dive on today.
I hope you enjoy this deep dive on the Summer Solstice swim, and I highly recommend it if you’re able to make the trip to Hawaii!