Darren Miller’s Marathon Swim Story
After a foot injury halted his ultra marathon running career, Darren Miller read Swimming to Antarctica, and was inspired by Lynne Cox. He immediately set his sights on the English Channel. Within 3 years, in August 2013, Darren was the fourth person and the second American to complete the Oceans Seven – completing each of the grueling channel swims in a single attempt.
Darren oozes passion for doing and sharing what he loves with others and raises money for Team Forever at Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh in the process.
Continuing to host the Three Rivers Marathon Swim in Pittsburgh is important to Darren as he also encourages us to plan something where we’re at. He hints at some “never been done before” swims that are on his radar while he runs and plots race courses in the heat of the Palm Springs desert.
In his own words: Darren Miller was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In August 2013, he completed the ‘Oceans Seven’ on all first attempts to benefit his charity, Team Forever at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. He currently resides in Palm Springs, California with his two children, Reagan and Penn.