Deep Dive: Neil Agius’ Latest Swim

Earlier this year we met Neil Agius who completed an epic 102km swim from Sicily to Malta just last year. Well, Neil has been busy since then, in this episode he tells us everything about the swim and how he planned and prepared to break the world record. If you missed it, be sure to catch Neil’s Marathon Swim Story! […]

Deep Dive: Janine’s Journey to Tahoe

Welcome to Marathon Swim Stories where we explore the human side of the super human feats of endurance swimmers, and those who support them. As part of the human side, it’s important to me to highlight the fact that marathon swimming isn’t always about setting records, pioneering routes, completing iconic swims, or checking off swims on lists like the Triple […]

Marathon Swim Stories Deep Dive: My Pod

Today I have the distinct pleasure of introducing my pod! These are the people who encourage me to get in the water, stick by me through the winter, stay up late to swim at night, and support me when I want to swim a long time. Todd, Celeste, and Jocelyn have done everything from commit entire weekends to camping by […]

Deep Dive: Jia Jung’s Journey to 20 Bridges

In this, the first of a four part series, we joined Jia Jung on her journey to swim under the 20 Bridges, around Manhattan island. Long time resident and 14 times crew, Jia is no stranger to the bridge swim. And while Jia is thinking of her training as unconventional – perhaps in the circles she runs in, it’s sounds […]

Deep Dive: The Power of the Pod

The trials and tribulations of the Corona virus pandemic have divided some people, but this neighborhood swim pod found a safe way to come together and in the process they’ve learned to trust each other and themselves, they’ve pushed each other to swim further than they thought they could, but they also know when to give grace. Making it easier […]

Deep Dive: Stephen Rouch’s Lake Memphremagog Double

On August 22, 2019, Stephen Rouch set off from the East Side restaurant in Newport, Vermont and swam, not just the 25 miles across the Canadian border to the northern most tip of Lake Memphremagog, but after exiting the water on a beach in Magog, Quebec, he quickly got back in to start the return journey. Arriving back at his […]