Blaik Ogle’s Marathon Swim Story
This stormy Knoxville morning, we chatted with the founder of Bridges to Bluffs, Knoxville Open Water Swimmers, and marathon swimmer himself, Blaik Ogle. Quick to dismiss his accomplishments, Blaik focused the conversation on building community in Knoxville, but I got him to tell us a little bit about tackling the cold, not taking no for an answer, and getting stuck in a tree on a birthday swim.
In his own words: I am 40 years old and I live in Knoxville, Tennessee. I’m the co-founder of the Knoxville Open Water Swimmers and Co-founder/Director Bridges to Bluffs Open Water Swim.
Prior to the pandemic I was training for SCAR and Catalina. Now I spend my time cross training with heavy weights – both to be faster in the water and survive the “Real Life Hunger Games …. Southern States Coronavirus, Global Warming, and Systemic Racism Edition.”
I enjoy cold water swims, introducing new open water swimmers to year round/ distance/ night swimming, beagles, breakfast burritos, and dismantling the patriarchy of systemic racism with my white privilege and hillbilly accent.
Goals: Keeping “Bridges to Bluffs” on track to become the “Boston Marathon of Marathon Swimming” as well as creating new and “affordable” opportunities for the marathon swim community.