Anthony McCarley’s Marathon Swim Story
In today’s episode I spoke with Anthony McCarley. Two months before his 50th birthday, Anthony decided to fulfill his boyhood dream of swimming the English Channel. It took another 4 years, before his dream would come true. He’s gone on to pioneer marathon swim routes, both in maturity and in new locations. Anthony insists that the only reason he continues to swim marathons is because of the community. Admittedly outcome driven, I immediately identified with Anthony. And I love how he’s analyzed and broken down the attributes of a swim and applied those lessons to life. Both his, as well as his business clients. We could all learn a thing or two from Marathon swimmers! You’re sure to pick up some helpful tips in this episode. Enjoy!
In his own words: Anthony has completed solo marathon swims around the world, including the Triple Crown (English Channel, around Manhattan, Catalina Channel). On his last swim, in November, he became the first non-South American and the oldest person to complete Travessia do Leme ao Pontal in Brazil.