The Stories

Alyssa Langlais’ Marathon Swim Story
I’m so excited for you to meet my guest today! I met Alyssa a couple years ago when I sent out a survey searching for swimmers who wanted to push distance in the water, but needed some support and guidance. She jumped at the opportunity to partake in my Quickstart for Marathon Swimming program with a handful of aspirants.
It was so fun to hear Alyssa talk about how the course prepared her for marathon swims and how she wants to keep building distance.
We talk about so many important topics in this interview: Accepting fear, finding courage, and the need to uncover a comfortable place for your mind to go when you are anything bur comfortable during a marathon swim.
In her own words: Alyssa is a lifelong pool swimmer, who only more recently discovered the joys of open water. Challenged by a friend to take on triathlon in 2013, she soon discovered that swimming was her favorite part. With the support of the local and international swimming community, Alyssa has found the inspiration to take on greater and greater challenges and distances. She sees swimming as self care, setting a good example for her children and a muse for her swimming-inspired artworks.
Shannon Keegan