Abhejali Bernardova’s Marathon Swim Story
Earlier this year Abhejali completed an “English Channel Triathlon”, swimming from Dover, England to France then biking and running all the way to her home in Prague, Czech Republic. That’s 34 km swimming (21 miles), 895 km cycling (556 miles), 182 km running (113 miles), in what ended up taking7 days, 12 hours and 5 minutes. That is just Abhejali’s latest feat of endurance!
It’s at least 80% mental, Abhejali agrees. How do you train your mind? Reach out to me if you’d like some ideas: shannon@intrepidwater.com
I hope you enjoy Abhejali’s story!
In her own words:
Abhejali Bernardová is a 44-year old runner and open water swimmer and most recently triathlete. She is a member of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team from Czech Republic. She is the 10th person in history, 4th woman and first swimmer from Czech Republic (and a landlocked country) to complete the Oceans Seven. As a runner, she has completed a 6-day run and she is a multiple national champion at 100km and 24 hours. She was nominated for the 2018 and 2019 World Open Water Swimming Woman of the year.
10 years after her first English Channel swim, she decided to do it again, and this time make it an extreme ultra-triathlon from Dover to Prague, during which she covered a total of 1111 km across the 3 disciplines: 34 km swimming, 895 km cycling, 182 km running. It took her 7 days, 12 hours and 5 minutes.